What I Do


I am a Registered and Licensed Dietitian. As a result of my education and training, I have learned that nutrition is important but doesn’t need to be taken as seriously as the internet and popular culture would have you believe.

My job is to help you meet your nutrition goals safely and in ways that make sense for your personal preferences and lifestyle. My mission is to help you make peace with food, develop a confident and trusting relationship with food and your body, and never fear food again. This involves busting nutrition myths, providing lots of nutrition education, and occasionally making fun of fad diets.

Above all, I serve as a tireless advocate for my patients and thrive on watching people make changes they once thought were impossible.

I work with adults of all genders. My practice is weight-inclusive and I honor a Health at Every Size® approach. That means I will never treat your body like a problem to be solved and never shame you for your weight or size. Instead, I hope to help you care for you health and well-being with nutrition that works best for you.


Education & Background

I have been a Registered & Licensed Dietitian since September 2012 after completing the Master of Clinical Nutrition program at the University of Texas Southwestern. During school, I volunteered and trained with Jessica Setnick, MS, RD/LD, CEDRD-S in her eating disorders private practice. Upon graduation, I worked for a small eating disorders treatment facility prior to launching my private practice. In 2020 I completed the requirements for and have been designated as a Certified Eating Disorders Specialist by the International Association for Eating Disorders Professionals. I am also an iaedp-approved consultant for other clinicians seeking to earn this credential.

Additionally, I have provided nutrition consulting and worked as a contract dietitian for several substance abuse treatment facilities. Prior to returning to school for dietetics, I worked for over a decade as a Licensed Chemical Dependency Counselor.


Personal Life

I am happily married and grateful to share life’s adventures with my goofy husband. We share our home with two moody cats, the world’s sweetest yellow dog, and the precious memories of our scruffy terrier. I have been vegan since 2006, which sparked my initial interest in and love of nutrition. I played roller derby for four years and now (very) occasionally hang out with my running shoes, bicycle, or yoga mat. You can usually find me either baking, reading, hoarding houseplants, sewing, or doing other crafty stuff. I have been to 14 of the 63 US National Parks and am forever planning my next road trip.